Hotel Süd
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Ökoprofit Graz AustriaAs one of four tourism companies in Graz, our hotel was awarded the ÖKOPROFIT Eco Label 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The objective of this environmental program is to reduce operation-related emissions, protect natural resources and lower operational costs. ÖKOPROFIT thus supports the sustainable economic development of the region of Graz.

Preserving resources forms an integral part of our mission statement. We are willing to act in a sustainable way, be it financially, socially or environmentally. The ÖKOPROFIT approach looks at both the environmental and economic aspects of a sustainable management. 


Environmental aspects

  • We are aware of the applicable environmental regulations and respect them.

  • We avoid unnecessary waste of energy (electric power, heat, water).

  • We place more emphasis on regional products and take environmental aspects into account with cooperating partners and suppliers.

    * Organic milk from MANTSCHA MÜCH, Mantscha
    * Forest & creamy honey from beekeeper RAIMUND HEROLD, Gratkorn 
    * Free-range eggs and pumpkin-seed oil from MOSER, Eibiswald 
    * Fruit juices from MAUSSER-Most, Hitzendorf

    For exotic fruits we are focussing on "Fair Trade" products (i.e. bananas).    

  • We try to avoid waste whenever possible and established an integrated waste management system.

    In future, we want to focus on more organic and fairtrade products and reduce individual and non-returnable packaging.

  • 90 % of the paper products in use were produced in eco-friendly ways.

  • An in-house combined heat and power plant provides an efficient energy supply. In addition, a photovoltaic system produces green energy which is not only used by the hotel but fed into the public power grid as well. By driving an electric car we want to support a sustainable traffic development.

  • Only environmentally-friendly detergents are used.

Hotel Süd
Hotel Süd
Hotel Süd
Hotel Süd
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